Sunday, September 19, 2010

Long Time, No Post. Sorry!

Well, I was working on this super long blog post about Chain Saw Training and my week as a nomad, traveling around the east side of CAP.... but I just keep putting it off. So here's what I've done this weekend:

On Friday night, a couple girls from my house plus all of the McCreary house and quite a few from Jackson went to a Contra dance in Berea. It was my first time and a lot of fun! Contra is a type of folk dance where you and your partner dance down the line, joining with other pairs and switching partners repeatedly. There is a caller who tells you what to do, so it's pretty easy to pick up, and no one cares if you make mistakes. Contra dances last about 3 hours and although I didn't dance the ENTIRE three hours I was still so tuckered out by midnight. The dancing is very upbeat with lots and lots and lots of spinning. During one song I was dancing with Ben from Jackson. We were really getting into. There was one move where the gents circled in the middle before coming back to their partners and swinging around. Ben would always say something funny like "I'm coming for you!!" or "Let's go, girl!" before we took off, which made me laugh hysterically. So we were spinning so fast, and laughing, and somehow I ended up flat on my butt in the middle of the line. I was laughing so hard it took a while for me to get up (plus I was really conscious of my skirt and making sure I didn't flash anyone as I got up). My excuse was that God felt we were showboating and needed to humble us some. I'm going to contend that we had the most "pizazz" while dancing.

On Saturday Shanna and Janean from McCreary, Sara and I from Rockcastle, and Alister from Jackson went to the Spoonbread Festival in Berea for a couple hours. We saw a ten year old lip sync and dance to Michael Jackson hits, and we got to try spoonbread (like really moist and buttery cornbread, eaten out of a bowl and with a spoon). Then we drove to Georgetown for an Autumn festival at this farm. We went through the petting zoo, a corn maze, and played in "people spinners" (aka huge industrial plastic tubes sawed up that you could roll around in). We had a lot of fun!

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