Monday, February 21, 2011

The First Moments of a Whole New World, Or, The End of Yelling

This past Friday I was in Richmond with Kristi, the Elderly caseworker, at EKU where Jim and Reecie were (finally!) getting their hearing aids. The hearing aids have been ready to go since December, but snow days have prevented it from happening. I'm happy to report that we have had spring weather all this week: usually breezy and damp, but also sunny. So we finally got to go.

Prior to this venture, an average conversation with Jim and Reecie meant a lot of screaming to get any point across. When the audiologist turned on Reecie's hearing aid, she automatically became more soft-spoken than I've ever heard her before. The whole ride back she spoke so quietly it was hard to hear her!

She got a little choked up (as she is wont to do) in the car ride home. She kept turning around to look at me and turning toward Kristi in the driver's seat and talking about how most youth today don't care about the elderly and it's nice to know that there are people like us out there... but like I said it was hard to hear her! What a change. Hopefully this will mean the end of their communication problems. The hearing aids will take getting used to, and Jim and Reecie have to go back to the audiologist in a couple weeks for a check-up, so the journey isn't quite over yet. I hope hearing aid batteries are covered by medical cards... I didn't realize how short their lifespan can be!

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