Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sermons, Forklifts, and Bluegrass

I don't know if my life is super interesting, or maybe I just find a lot of things interesting, therefore it seems more interesting to me. Either way, I see/experience things daily that I feel need to be recorded.

The day began with a package from a former pastor up north. In his letter he said he was including some things to be donated as well as the sermons he wrote while in the seminary. The letter was signed
"Our gov't in deep disarray,
In Him,
hmmmm... that's the most interesting valediction I've ever seen! And I have no clue what Family Advocacy is going to do with a stack of sermons...

Jenny was in Robyn's office this morning, so I had the privilege of answering the phone when Rich called! Rich and Barb are a retired couple who are Kentucky natives, former long term volunteers, and regular short term volunteers. Jenny told me that they come every year for several weeks to help with Christmas Baskets. I've heard only good (and funny) things about them and I can't wait to meet them in a few months! I talked with Rich a little, and found out that he once played in a scrimmage with the great Mad'villian Frank Ramsey!! Small world...

If you've been following my blog, you should know that I love my job. But sometimes I feel upset when we can't help someone. I think it's a job that really attracts people who want to help and make a difference, so when you can't help someone or change their position it becomes very frustrating. Not that it happens often, but today a woman came in who had just lost her home and was trying to find a place to live. As an organization, CAP just doesn't have the resources to help this woman. It's hard to sit there, looking at this woman who tells you she hates to ask for help but doesn't know what else to do, and you have to tell her you can't help her. Jenny did give her hygiene supplies (which we have quite a bit of). The woman was so appreciative. I liked her, and I really hope that one of the other organization in the county is able to get her some housing. There's just not much here! There's CAP and the local churches (with very limited funds) and one other human services organization (which seems to be limited in similar ways to CAP). Appalachia is the poorest area of the country.. why don't we have more here for people??

After the woman left, Jenny and I went down to Op Share for the third time this week. That's got to be a record! The drive takes about an hour one-way, so it takes a bit of time, but not too terrible. This time we took Robyn's CAP truck so the fridge would fit. Dominic, one of the warehouse guys, helped us secure the fridge, and although I trusted him, it didn't look very sturdy! Jenny and I joked on the drive back about the fridge toppling over, but luckily that didn't happen!

Can I just add: What amazing things you can do with a forklift! There are some seriously skilled forklift drivers in the Corbin Op Share.

This afternoon we delivered the stove and fridge to the family. Jenny had to drive out east right after lunch, but thankfully, Kevin, a CAP employee, happened to be around, so Robyn and I had some extra help. I'm sure he regretted it, because he ended up doing all the work pretty much! Another reason he may have regretted it was because I got us lost and the 15-30 min trip ended up being 2 HOURS! Oh, I got so turned around on those backroads! And we were in two trucks (me with the stove in my truck, and Robyn and Kevin following in her truck with the fridge), with no cell phone service, weaving around backroads looking for this trailer park. I was afraid the fridge would topple over during some sharp turn. But we did find the place eventually and get everything delivered. The woman was very happy and her mini collie was adorable.

Then tonight the house got pizza from this local place called Shaker's and got to go w/ FLAC to one of the Renfro Valley barns for free and hear some bluegrass/old time country music. Not really my style, but nice to get out of the house.

Olivia just left my room after being in here for a couple hours. According to her she just came in to play a French pop song for me and ended up staying much longer. haha. I will miss her! She's leaving Saturday, so tomorrow we're going out to eat in Mt Vernon and watching Titanic (which we found on VHS in the Rockcastle House video collection). Housemates coming and going... who can understand it but those of us living it!

1 comment:

  1. One of the highlights of my day is reading your blog! Thank you for sharing your world and keeping close!
