Friday, August 13, 2010

Christmas Basket Sign Ups

I'm way too tired to give an in-depth update of the past week, but here it is in a nutshell:

Monday - Drove to Owsley County. Did Christmas Basket sign ups
Tuesday - Drove to McCreary County. Did Christmas Basket sign ups
Wednesday - Christmas Basket sign ups in Rockcastle County.
Thursday - Christmas Basket sign ups in Rockcastle County.
Friday - Recovering from Christmas Basket sign ups. Called it a day around 2.

The sign ups in Owsley and McCreary weren't bad at all. There were five of us in Owsley and three in McCreary, but both of those counties had a relatively small turn out compared to Rockcastle. I think as of now we have about 130 signed up for our county - which is technically over the limit.

And the sign ups themselves were just a madhouse. People were lined up long before we got there at 8 am. Then they all tried to cram into the air conditioned (and small) office. People would leave the door open and there were flies all over the place. We still have three or four flying around our office! Even though the air was on, it was hot and stuffy in the lobby of the office b/c of all the bodies crammed in there. It's like a refugee camp.

Sign ups are tiring!! It takes way more energy than you would think. And of course we still have people calling and wanting to sign up - I don't want to hear another call about it. Some people get really hostile when you tell them they can't sign up! Two people were rude to my face about it (one thought Jenny was accusing her granddaughter of being a fugitive, and the other tried to slam my office door - which is incapable of slamming since it gets stuck at the door jam), and another woman on the phone wasn't rude but she did keep talking on and on about how I should be careful of false prophets and how her toilet fell through the floor of her trailer.

I did have a very nice time in McCreary. The last lady I signed up was blind (she was just recently blinded within the past year and she may have MS). We had a nice long talk about what careers she thought I should go into (Public Relations or Special Education were her choices for me). I really enjoyed visiting with her and her mother. She was so upbeat for someone who has had such rough luck the last few years. I wish I could write more about her, but I don't know where to start and I'm just too worn out. I ended up staying for dinner at the McCreary house and I'm glad I did b/c Shanna made yummy Taco Bread.

Another interesting tidbit of the week, courtesy of the Mt Vernon Signal: A female wedding crasher in Brodhead stole some gift cards from the gift table and ran off. A male guest at the wedding heard about this while in line for cake. He kicked off his dress shoes and ran after her. There were some quotes from the guest in the article, one beginning "I was like, 'Woman, you can't do that...'" They apprehended the woman (who was running toward her accomplice in a purple Camaro) before she got away. She is now facing charges.

Next week is Jenny's last week, and my housemate Jen left this afternoon. I'll miss watching the Bachelorette / Bachelor Pad with both of them!

This Saturday some of us CAP volunteers from different houses are going to the drive-in in Somerset. I'm looking forward to just relaxing tonight and going out tomorrow.

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