Saturday, August 7, 2010


On Friday I spent the whole morning and early afternoon at a required driver training session. Right now I am just a "temporary driver." After passing the class you become an official CAP driver. I can't really tell the difference between the two, as I've been driving the truck ever since I passed my temporary driver test with Robyn my first week.

The session was a lot like being back in the graduated licensing class in high school. We had to watch old videos and listen to an old man tell crash stories. We took ridiculously confusing tests on road signs and "What do you do when..." scenarios. Then in the afternoon we had the actual driving portion.

The test consisted of serpenting forward through 10-12 cones, and then doing it in reverse. And also backing into a parking space (into a circle of cones) and exiting. You had 10 seconds to do each of the 4 things. If you went over, you got a point deducted for every second and if you hit a cone I think you lost like 5 points? Anyway, I did just fine backing into the space and exiting. No problems whatsoever. And going forward through the cones was a piece of cake, but I had a lot of difficulty with the backwards driving. I hit one cone and took forever. Afterwards the instructor told me (privately thankfully!) that he was going to suggest that I redo the test next month when they have another training. I was so upset!! First of all, I only did badly on ONE section! And secondly, I had to use my mirrors the whole time (b/c of the way my truck is set up with the hood and all) which was confusing on which way I needed to turn and where I had already been... I don't know how to describe it, but it's all just very confusing. And so I couldn't look out my back windows at all, but I SAW another woman in a truck doing just that her whole time and she got to pass (her truck doesn't have the hood). Not fair!

So I guess I can still drive, but I'm not looking forward to telling Robyn that I didn't pass and have to go again. I just really hope I'm not the only one who failed. It makes me want to cry!!

Seriously, when am I EVER going to have to serpentine backwards through several obstacles??

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