Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Very Hot Week Spent Indoors

The first half of the week has flown by since I've only been in the office about an hour total. I was in the office a little Monday morning before I drove down to Op Share in Corbin to drop off a heavy duty appliance dollie they'd let us borrow several weeks ago. I stopped for gas and used the Fleet One card for the first time. It was funny... the guy who was running the cash register asked me what CAP was and what we did. He said he'd seen several trucks that day come through for gas, and I guess he'd never heard of CAP before. Of course it was near impossible for me to explain all CAP does in a couple sentences, but with a line forming behind me there was no alternative. Then I drove to McCreary County to help Julia set up for her school readiness distribution. I got a tour of the famous McCreary trailer before heading back to Rockcastle.

Jenny, Robyn, and I drove straight to McCreary County Tuesday morning. Luckily Julia had way more help than the previous distributions, so we didn't really have to do too much work. A Jackson elderly services volunteer came to help, as did Julia's two sisters who were visiting, and a couple of older community volunteers - one nicknamed "Hot Shot". Hot Shot's wife thought I was Julia's sister and said I "favored her." We all got a laugh out of that. It was soooo hot that day, so I was glad to be in the air conditioned elementary-school-turned-community-center all day. It's nice to see the different set ups in each county. McCreary has a ton of space for programs and storage, and once they get the house built that place is going to be so busy I'm sure.

Last night I got some of my housemates to play some boardgames with me - Parcheesi, Trivial Pursuit, and some National Geographic photography game that looked like a cool Carmen San Diego type thing but we couldn't figure it out. And Julia came up to spend the night because....

We left this morning at 7:20ish (We originally were leaving at 7 am, but it got pushed back a little b/c Jenny had to run get a check from the office). Julia, Jenny, and I rode to Berea where we met up with Robyn and Anita (the manager of all the program managers). We all rode together to Natural Bridge State Park for a big Family Advocacy meeting. The Sandy Valley (east side) caseworkers and manager were there as well. It was my first time meeting all of them. I also finally met Jane, the Clay caseworker. The Sandy Valley runs things pretty differently, not just Family Advocacy but all of CAP it seems. It's like a totally different organization in some ways! Kinda confusing... so they're (or I should say "we're") in the process of revamping Family Advocacy - possibly changing the name (again), adding new programs / reintroducing old programs, etc. It's exciting, but sort of sad. I like the name Family Advocacy, and I'll be sad to be totally rid of EHI's. It's just tough for me to let go of things. I always worry that other people won't pick up the slack, so I have to do it all. But I'm really excited for the Garden Seeds program which will build stronger bonds with fewer families (quality over quantity). We have another meeting in a couple weeks, so hopefully we'll figure out some more things then.. We just have a lot to go over and talk about. In an all day meeting, we only really fully covered like 2 or 3 topics. But I'm pretty used to that from SGA executive officer meetings and the Board of Trustees meetings.

Tomorrow and Friday Jenny's out, and Friday I'm leaving a little early to drive back to Owensboro for Ashley's wedding!

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