Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wedding Weekend

Got back to Rockcastle House at 9:40ish, with a note from Jenny saying we're leaving tomorrow morning at 7:15, so I have to keep this short and get to bed.

The wedding was great! Matt and Ashley were beautiful and I teared up a bit. I saw several Brescia / Owensboro friends at the wedding reception and afterwards around town (including running into a couple people that I didn't even expect to be in Owensboro!) It was so awesome to be back in that environment. I almost started crying as I drove into Owensboro on Friday afternoon because I was entering a town where I knew I had a lot of love and support. Not that Rockcastle isn't a nice enough area, but I'm still very new and it just isn't home to me (yet?)

I didn't get to see EVERYONE I wanted to, but I definitely plan on coming back to western KY for Labor Day weekend (if not before). And hopefully I'll have it planned out better so I can see all the people I missed this time around. I miss all of yall already!! The weekend felt so rushed... sometimes I felt that I wasn't fully "present" because I was running all over the place, doing a lot of driving and having rushed conversations. I truly apologize for that, and hopefully the next time I'm in town there will be more time to just sit and relax!!

And one more note: I talked to a couple different people about my blog this weekend and I wanted to make something clear - things are not always as they seem. Yes, I'm really really really happy about the work I'm doing here and I've met some cool people, but it is definitely not some walk around the garden. I'm still adjusting. I still miss everyone back in western KY a lot. I have issues with housemates. I sometimes feel lonely and out of place. I just didn't know how appropriate it would be to bring such things up. So just know that this journey is not an easy one and I need to know that I'm being supported from afar (though, not really very far).

I thought it would be very hard coming back to Rockcastle today after a weekend in Owensboro / Manitou, but so far so good. I'm so thankful for this weekend and all the beautiful people in it!

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